Tuesday 13 March 2012

Martin Luther King jr ... Adolf Hitler ... Global Warming

Martin Luther King jr was born on January 15, 1929 in Atlanta, Georgia. He grew up to be a very intelligent man. In 1948, he graduated highschool with a BA degree in Sociology. In March 17-25 in 1965, King jr, along with other protestors marched from Selam to Montgomery as they voiced their right to vote. He led another march in Memphis for striking sanitation workers which tragically ended in violence. He was awarded 5 honory degrees, was named man of the year by Time magazinein 1963, and became both a symbolic leader of American blacks and a world figure. One of his many famous speeches was 'I Have a Dream'. Martin was arrested 20 times and assaulted atleast four times for his bravery. He was a Diplomatic Ambassador of Peace. He was a strong man of faith,integrity, justice and values.

Adolf Hitler was the leader of the Nazis from 1921 - 1945 and was the dictator of Gemany from
1933 - 1945. Hitler gained power facing crisis after WWI. The Nazi party maintained concentration camps throughout the territories they controlled. The slave-laborers varied from Jews to homosexuals, from gypsies to criminals. The concentration camps had many slave workers, working for members of the Nazi party, doing garden work and building. When the workers thought they were going for a bath, the Nazis would put them in a dark room, and throw gas through the roof. They would then suffer and die immediatly. Hitler was a very victourious person for Germany when he became president of Deutsland. He died in April 1945. I think Adolf was a very inconsiderate and inhumane person, for all the things that he did, and all the deaths he caused to very innocent people.

Global Warming is known as one of the biggest issues of the generation. Global Warming will cause sea levels to rise and will change the amount and pattern of presipitation. Other likely effects of the warming include more frequent occurrence of extreme weather events including heat waves, droughts and heavy rainfall, species extinctions due to shifting temperature regimes, and changes in crop yields. Global Warming affects the Arctic the most, because of its ice and snow. The ice would melt, which would cause sea levels to rise, and polar bears and penguins would possibly die. I think that global warming is worried a little too much, in the sense that the earth climate isn't changing apidly. Global Warming shouldn't be a major until about 10 years time...

Bibliography :

Martin Luther King jr...

Adolf Hitler...

Global Warming...


  1. Great info. Put in a bibliography at the end to say where you found your information.

  2. hi Miss, I added bibliography. but the hyperlinks are the same colour as my background. So you can't see it. But if you go to the bibliography area, then just highlight the area and you will see it.

    1. Cool, thanks for getting this sorted.

      If you want to change the colour of the links you need to do it by clicking on the title of you blog on your dashboard, then template and then you can change it in the advanced settings.
